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My name is Liam. Welcome to my page, a place where I explore my love of music, film, and various other forms of artistry. Sendō is the name of my music project, where I produce music and DJ in various electronic music genres. But on top of that, I also explore other creative outlets like film scoring and videography. I hope whatever you find in here ignites something creative in you. If you see anything you particularly like, please feel free to reach out to me. I am always looking to collaborate and learn from other artists. 

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My Inspiration

Potent Quotes

Friedrich Nietsche

"Only insofar as the genius, during the act of artistic procreation, merges fully with that original artist of the world does he know anything of the eternal essence of art; for in this condition he resembles, miraculously, that uncanny image of fairy-tale which can turn its eyes around and look at itself; now he is at one and the same time subject and object, simultaneously poet, actor, and spectator." - Birth of Tragedy (5, KSA 1, 47f.)
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